What makes StrikePlagiarism.com Similarity Report unique?

- Accessibility and simplicity,

- Interactivity,

- Feedback and a tool to find content in the source,

- Manipulations, paraphrases and plagiarism search in translation,

- AI content search.

Accessibility and simplicity 

Similarity Report is unique in its mechanism of ease of use and speed of user interaction.


Many of our clients emphasize the importance of the time that educators and experts spend on analyzing performance. They like our report by the fact that the number of features, their layout, and intuitiveness in navigation makes our report unique and accessible to all types of users and all ages.

For example, we use only a few colors to reflect sources in the report, we have simplified the commenting process, the entire source as a page is reflected in a second wide window opposite the text being analyzed, and so on. In other words, no specific or repeated training is necessary to start using the report.

StrikePlagiarism.com report was created with the idea of convenience and multifunctional interaction with the modules of the system, which are "at hand". For example, the report allows you to exclude fragments that can be considered self-citations, or fragments that need to be excluded from the similarity coefficient for one reason or another, while simultaneously changing the similarity coefficient.

AI content search tool

The AI content search module can help in excessive and unnecessary use of AI for writing, especially in cases where the use of AI tools is encouraged by teachers and it is not possible to monitor and prevent overuse. Teachers have the opportunity to draw attention to passages with a high percentage of probability that the text was written by AI.

Click here to know more about AI detection and AI detection report.


What academic process is possible without feedback?
The whole modern model of education is based on student feedback. However, often teachers and experts complain about the lack of time to analyze the content of work. Therefore, we decided to develop a mechanism that would allow not only to leave a comment anywhere in the report, but also the possibility for the teacher to find the content of a text fragment within the source.

The process of adding comments is very simple, with the student seeing the added comments in real time as a list in the similarity report.

Our system allows you to leave in the similarity report not only standard comments, but also comment tags, short comment templates with detailed explanation.

Functionality of Comment Tags and its benefits

Comment tags are created to simplify the feedback process. They allow you to add short comments, previously created in the system as templates, to the interactive similarity report.

Comment tags are convenient because they save the instructor's time in adding repetitive comments to the similarity report. Comment tags can be quickly created or imported into the system.

Comment tags are semi-transparent, thus the text behind the comment is visible. Comment tags can be added to any part of the interactive similarity report.

The comment tag can be supplemented with an explanation of what the teacher expects from the student, how exactly it is necessary to correct the text or express a positive assessment of the content of the text.

Additional clarifications are added at the comment creation stage and are available to students in the comments list, which makes student analysis of the report quick and easy. 

The advantage is quick navigation to the location of comments. By clicking on the magnifying glass icon, the system will reflect the comment of interest within the similarity report.

Such navigation is very convenient, especially when there are a large number of comments and the student needs to correct the work as soon as possible.

Go through the comments left by the supervisor

Student can review the comments and notes left by the supervisor to be able to update and correct the paper accordingly. This option makes communication and feedback more effective.

Share report 

Share interactive similarity report with the students or the reviewers. 

One of the important advantages of StrikePlagiarism.com is the exclusion of quoted text found in various sources from similarity coefficients. 
This functionality is very convenient and allows you to save time on analyzing documents by excluding from the similarity coefficient the fragments that, according to the teacher's opinion, cannot be plagiarized or suspicious text. 

Text manipulations

Manipulation has become a frequent factor in violating academic integrity. To counteract manipulation, we decided to implement various algorithms that would be sensitive to unauthorized paraphrase, font changes, spacing, hidden characters, spreads and so on. By introducing the translation similarity search module, we have significantly improved the system's ability to find plagiarism in translations from English into German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Arabic, Chinese and other languages and vice versa.

StrikePlagiarism is also able to find similarities in non-standard translations, such as French and Arabic, or Chinese and Hindi. In total, the system supports more than 200 language combinations. 

Number of characters from other alphabets which may imitate letters from the alphabet relevant to the document, causing misspellings in the text. Those letters highlighted in yellow.

Number of spaces with zero length - they are placed inside words and cause word division in the text. 

The number of fragments and text passages with modifications (change of word order, use of a synonym, change an orthography etc.) in comparison to the fragment found in the source - this function shows possible attempts of disguise of an unauthorized borrowings.

Number of characters hidden by using white font color or minimal font size - they are used instead of spaces, causing merge of the words (in the Report the color of the letters is changed to black in order to indicate them properly), or to distort words/phrases. Those phrases are underlined. Pointing at fragments with an arrow will pop up the original fragment without amendments.

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