Let's make the world less plagiarized together

StrikePlagiarism.com is designed not only to detect plagiarism and text generated by AI, but also teaches how to prevent, correct mistakes and improve the quality and originality of written text

Why clients choose StrikePlagiarism.com?


Our goal is quality plagiarism search, therefore, as part of our services, we provide access to all databases available for our system. That means you get access to both scientific and university databases. When reviewing Assignments, thanks to the cross-checking function created in tasks, you have the opportunity to see fragments copied from each other.

AI content detection

Our AI-generated content detection module is one of the most effective in the world, as it shows which pieces of text are likely to have been written by AI and by a human with accuracy level - 94%. The AI detection system recognizes more than 30 languages. By coloring the text red, the system will show you the most suspicious fragments. To learn more about AI detection, click here.

Similarity Report

We have created a similarity report conveniently showing the content of the text in the source, fragments copied from the source, with the ability to intuitively navigate between the fragments. In addition, the system has an option of search for similarities in translated texts!


The development of the system is inconceivable without integration with external environments. We attach great importance to the system's compatibility with various LMS through API, plugins, LTI, Canvas, Brightspace, OJS, Ldap catalogue etc. More than 400 clients use various forms of integration. Click here to learn more about integrations.


Our assignment feature allows using the anti-plagiarism system to review various written works. This feature has become very popular among education institutions. The assignment functionality enhances the workflow between student and teacher. Assignments have improved control over the deadline.


We have made intuition the main criterion for the quality of the system. The intuitiveness of the system is designed to save time. The system should not only be comfortable, the user should also enjoy working with it!


Our company has been implementing personal data protection systems since 2002, in which we have achieved significant success. Not only do we use the SSL protocol and data encryption technologies, we are also the first anti-plagiarism company in the EU to develop technologies to protect personal data in accordance with the European Commission Directive (GDPR). All of our customers' data is stored on servers in the EU.

Secure data storage

All documents that were saved at our database are protected against copying and disclosure to third parties. The structure of the system ensures confidentiality between accounts, so access to user the documents is limited.

More privacy

One of new solutions is installation of our system at client's database. This will let the client store all documents and personal data at own repository. There are universities and colleges using this option to archive all documents at their servers.
StrikePlagiarism.com is verified and
complies with the requirements of the international standard
ISO/IEC 27001:2022.

We speak your language

Our support team speaks 15 languages ​​including English, German, French, Spanish, Bulgarian, Polish, Romanian and many more.

Offices around the world

Our support team is available 24 hours a day as our offices are in different time zones, from Australia to America. You can contact us via email and phone as well as WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram.

Technical support

We immediately respond to requests from our partners. We use a system of controlling tasks created on the basis of tickets, the deadline of which is well managed.


Cut down the development time with drag-and-drop website builder. Drop the blocks into the page, edit content inline and publish - no technical skills required.


Cut down the development time with drag-and-drop website builder. Drop the blocks into the page, edit content inline and publish - no technical skills required.


Cut down the development time with drag-and-drop website builder. Drop the blocks into the page, edit content inline and publish - no technical skills required.


Choose from the large selection pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, slider, responsive image gallery with, parallax scrolling, sticky header and more.


Choose from the large selection pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, slider, responsive image gallery with, parallax scrolling, sticky header and more.


Choose from the large selection pre-made blocks - full-screen intro, bootstrap carousel, slider, responsive image gallery with, parallax scrolling, sticky header and more.


More than 1500 clients in 67 countries trust us...

> 10,7 mln

documents verified a year

> 112 bln 

web pages scanned a year

> 402,3 mln

articles and publications archived